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Gilded Tarot


Carefully crafted, tall, beautiful, and strong, the Tower represents our worldview. We have added tot it and altered it as needed. We expected it to last and serve us well. It is hit by lightning, a literal bolt from the blue, and is destroyed. The bolt symbolizes, in some form or another, a moment of illumination, of realization, of experience, that shakes our world to its very foundation. We fall, like the naked man, from the structure. We have to rebuild. And we have nothing… or so it seems. However, don't discount what the flash of lighting reveals to you.
The message of the Tower is a difficult one. Unlike the Wheel, with its philosophical message of centeredness, and Death, with its promise of spiritual enlightenment, the Tower doesn't seem to offer much except destruction. Our belief system helps us find calm in the center of the Wheel and gives us courage to face Death. In the Tower that belief system is shattered. The good news is that it is usually shattered by a truth that we didn't recognize before. Knowing the truth is good; ignorance is not really bliss.
Be aware of overdramatizing situations. If you overreact to every upset in your life, you may find yourself ill prepared to deal with real trauma or tragedy.